Friday 8 April 2011


Lake Bogoria is shallow (about 10 m depth), and is about 34 km long by 3.5 km wide, with a drainage basin of 700 km². Lake Bogoria is a saline, alkaline lake that lies in a volcanic region in a half-graben basin south of Lake Baringo, Kenya, Lake Bogoria, like Lake Nakuru, Lake Elmenteita, and Lake Magadi further south in the Rift Valley, and to the north, is home at times to one of the world's largest populations of lesser flamingoes. Lake Bogoria also contains the highest concentration of true geysers in Africa (at least 18 are known).The lake waters are alkaline and saline.The lake has no surface outlet so the water becomes saline mainly through evaporation, which is high in this semi-arid region. The lake area was the traditional home of the Endorois people, who were forced to leave the area in the 1970s. The lake is a Ramsar site and has been a protected National Reserve since November 29, 1973. There are varieties of animals like dik dik,impalas,elands among others, which is both prolific and tame.

JNK- Kenya Safari desk
Hope Mission Tours

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