Tuesday 17 April 2012

Kenya camel race

The International Camel Derby and Festival – Maralal, Kenya “Hit them up, move them out, raw hide” is the theme of this International Camel Derby held annually in the northern regions of Kenya. A blend of culture, colour, action, adventure and the finest camels of the north.
The derby has been running since 1990 with visitors and entries from Australia, America, New Zealand, Canada, England, France, Spain, Japan, South Africa and beyond. All competing against the reigning Kenyan champions. The derby is not only recognized as a serious Kenyan safari sport but an international sport and a great way to create awareness of the rapid onset in the desertification of Kenya, while also promoting better camel husbandry among the people of Kenya and the benefits of these spitting, kicking yet adorable creatures in arid environments.

The camels are chosen by judges for these races depending on handlers, strength and potential for speed. Did you know a camel can get up to 25 km an hour when racing? Hang on tight!
The venue is Yare Camel Club and Camp 3km south of the township of Maralal in northern Kenya. In addition to the camel races you will also find cycling races, donkey rides for the timid, darts (I wouldn’t say the kind you play at the pub with your mates), different challenge events, local dancing displays and stalls. The camel races are broken into two main events over a number of days.

The first of them being Novices and Amateurs, so don’t expect to be just a spectator on the side lines, you have the option to hire a camel and handler for the day, saddle up and join in for this rapid, furious and hairy 10km ride on the back of a beast. The most challenging race is Elite Camel which is, a 42km marathon over a measured distance, passing the Maralal Township and running through semi-desert environments. No handlers or assistants are allowed to be used; you are left to the mercy of the desert and your own devices or imagination.
The Kenya camel derby is a mecca for adventurers, nomads and camels alike set in the spell binding country of Kenya. Enjoy the very safari adventure fan gateway. 

Kenya gede ruins

Kenya has been voted as a number one in safari destination in the world this is due to its variety of safari getaways which ranges from culture,ancient history,birds,sea life,athletics,mountains,rivers for kayaking,indigenous forests.Gede ruins in Kenya coast  is one of the places which you won’t like to miss on your safaris in Kenya adorned with ancient history and beauty dating back 19 th century , Gede ruins  is located in coast province, Kilifi district. It lies 16 km south of Malindi town and approximately 90 km North East of Mombasa.
Gede ruins are the remains of a Swahili town, typical of most towns along the East African Coast. It traces its origin in the twelfth century but was rebuilt with new town walls in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This rebuilding is connected with the emigration of many citizens of Kilwa to Mombasa, Malindi and other places along the Kenya coast.

With its numerous inhabitants, the town became wealthy and it reached its peak in the fifteenth century. This enormous wealth is evidenced by the presence of numerous ruins, comprising of a conglomeration of mosques; a magnificent palace and houses all nestled in 45 acres of primeval forest. But in the first half of the seventeenth century the last families left the town.

Gede's eventual abandonment to nature is believed to be as a result of a number of factors. Namely, the Wazimba raid along the East African coast in 1589. The removal of the Sheikh of Malindi and the Portuguese to Mombasa in 1593. The falling water table as shown by the deepening of the well outside the Great Mosque and finally the overhanging menace of the Galla, a hostile nomadic ethnic group from Somalia. Gede remains the first intensively studied site on the coast. It was first visited by Sir John Kirk, a British resident of Zanzibar in 1884. Over forty years later in 1927, it was gazetted as a Historical Monument. Two years later in 1929, it was declared a "protected monument" and in the late thirties, the Public Works Department carried out work on preservation of its crumbling walls. Gede was soon after the repairs in 1948 declared a National park and an Archaeologist appointed as warden. Thus, the first archaeological work at Gede began under the direction of James Kirkman followed by the first publication of the site. In 1969, Gede's administration was taken over by the Museum Trustees.

Currently the Monument is under the care of the National Museums of Kenya and in addition to being a very important archaeological site; Gede indigenous forest is a sacred site for traditional rituals and sacrifices for the surrounding community.

After visit the ruins, a day or two at the Kenya beaches is worth, as you end your Kenya safari holiday  in style before you set for your outbound flight back home.

Hope Mission safaris

Kenya snakes

The first of the big five is the COBRA. Kenya has 4 species, the Black Necked Spitting Cobra, the Red Spitting Cobra, Egyptian and Forest Cobra. Cobras are often found under thick undergrowth, rocks or in piles of dead vegetation- in a variety of habitats. Catching Cobras is not easy- the Egyptian cobra is extremely aggressive when cornered, while Spitting cobras respond to a direct threat by spitting venom- with remarkable accuracy, into the eyes.

Snake Safari staff use grab sticks and wear protective goggles while catching cobras- but it is still a tense procedure. A large aggressive cobra is a magnificent sight to behold. Their spread hoods and loud threatening hiss are a very effective deterrent to coming any closer. Next up is the PYTHON, a non-venomous constricting snake. The African Rock Python is often caught sunning itself on rocks or in vegetation. They feed mostly on rabbits, spring hares and in some cases small antelopes. These snakes can grow to be very large and Snake Safaris often encounter 9 foot and longer specimens.

At Kigio, the Snake Safari takes to the water in small inflatable rafts along the Malewa River. Guests are rowed along calm stretches of the river, while the catching team float alongside in inner tubes, searching the reeds for Pythons, which often live along river banks. At times diversions have to be made to make way for hippos.
Pythons are often caught in the water, and while the snakes are harmless, a large Python can make a formidable wrestling opponent. Catching pythons on land is a much easier proposition, and they are often found sunning themselves outside their lairs.

The third member of the big five is the PUFF ADDER, undoubtedly one of the most dangerous snakes in Kenya. The problem with these large sluggish vipers is their speed. Lying on warm patches of earth, they are slow to move out of the path of an approaching human, but fast to strike- with a pair of massive fangs that are hinged into the mouth like retractable airplane wheels.While these venomous snakes are dangerous, and pack a heavy dose of venom, they do play an important role in their eco-systems, and Snake Safaris will move these snakes away from inhabited areas and release them into thick isolated bush. They also teach their guests and local people how to avoid encountering dangerous snakes and what to do in the event of a bite.

The next snake is the BOOMSLANG, or other back fanged snakes- such as the TWIG SNAKE. These snakes are venomous but present less of a threat due to their fangs being located in the rear of their mouths.The Boomslang is a tree snake, the males a bright iridescent green and the female a dull brown. Twig Snakes are small, narrow creatures who take their name from their highly effective cammoflage, which makes them virtually indistinguishable from twigs and sticks.

On the coast, the search for these snakes usually takes guests into patches of forest and dense undergrowth. Twig Snakes are very fond of bats, so caves are often excellent hunting grounds.Snake Safaris visit Jimba Cave, one of the coasts best kept secrets. Hidden within the forest, Jimba is a sacred site for the Giriama people, and is still in use by witchdoctors as a place of sacrifice and ritual. Local people visit the cave at night to consult witchdoctors on village problems, always leaving an offering behind.

With its narrow twisting passages leading to massive vaulted ceilings, rock bridges and deep rock fissures filled with bats and swarms of wild bees, Jimba is a place of strange and eerie beauty. At the heart of the cave is a single massive mahogany tree rising from the floor, its ghostly white trunk glowing in the dark. The tree is believed to have sprouted hundreds of years ago when the cave was used as shelter by slave caravans, after a slave dropped a seed from the central African forests.After searching the cave for Twig Snakes and chameleons, guests always pay respect to Giriama tradition by leaving a small offering for the witchdoctors.

The last of the Big Five is the infamous MAMBA. Black and Green Mambas have become the stuff of legends, known worldwide as terrifying and deadly snakes. Snake Safaris effectively separate the myths from the facts- and introduce their guests to the real Mamba.While it is true that the Mamba carries extremely toxic venom- they are elusive snakes that spend most of their lives hidden in trees in thick bushland, hunting birds. Encountering a Mamba is extremely unusual and rare- and an attack even less likely. They will make every possible attempt to avoid such an encounter.

Catching a Mamba, however, is a different proposition altogether. The best Mamba country is in coastal forests and mangroves, and around the dry river beds of Kenya’s arid North East.Royjan and Francis, a long term employee of the Bio Ken snake farm are extremely experienced Mamba catchers. The first required skill is being able to spot one in the dense undergrowth- and the capture is a difficult and risky process, often having to be done while climbing into the unsteady branches of a tree. The snake then has to be lowered to the ground and restrained.

his is no easy feat- particularly with the highly aggressive black Mamba. These are extremely long (often exceeding 10 feet) and agile tree snakes that can easily double their bodies back on themselves and strike high and fast. Black Mambas are truly awe inspiring animals, powerful and tense, and not black- but a gun-metal olive. When threatened they raise their bodies high into the air and present a wide open mouth- and reveal just how they got their name- the inside of their mouth is jet black.It has now been proven that these much maligned snakes may have an even greater value to humankind. Research has discovered that their venom could be a vital ingredient in drugs used to regenerate damaged nerves in amputated limbs that have been reattached through micro-surgery.

The trip ends with a stay on the beach at Watamu, and a visit to Bio-Ken for milking demonstrations and a tour of the laboratory and East Africa’s largest collection of Snakes.Kenya Snake Safaris is the only operation of its kind in Kenya, and are fully and professionally trained with a wealth of experience, equipment and full anti-venom back up. It should be noted that under no circumstances should any untrained person attempt to catch or handle any snake in Kenya.

Most visitors to Kenya want to see the world famous wildlife, living free in its natural habitat. But not many are interested in seeing snakes, or actually make every attempt to see them. Being blinded by fear prevents some people from seeing these rare, beautiful creatures that are no more dangerous than the lions or elephants that they come to see. For the guests on a Snake safari, this is a real learning experience as well as an adventure. Even guests who previously had a snake phobia have found themselves relaxed and confident enough to hold and release the non-venomous snakes caught along the way.

One client had previously believed the old adage that “the only good snake is a dead snake” and used to suffer from nightmares about them. After his Snake Safari- he reported that he still dreamed about snakes- but that they were pleasant dreams, free from fear.

Hope Mission Safaris